
eB2B Procurement Platform Business, Benefits, Contacts, Profit

  • Polski (Polska)
  • English (United Kingdom)

Obowiązek Informacyjny eB2B 


According to the article 13, paragraph 1 and 2 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, we inform you that:

1) Your personal data controllers are
I) If you register in the eB2B Procurement Platform at https://zakupy.grupapgz.pl, eB2B Group including: eB2B Sp. z o.o. with registered office in Warsaw, Al. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 51 lok. U21, 02-797 Warsaw and eB2B Service Sp. z o. o. spółka komandytowa with its registered office in Warsaw, Al. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 51 lok. U21, 02-797 Warsaw is your personal data controller. Upon registration, you obtain the status of a public vendor available to all eB2B Clients who organize awarding procedures at the eB2B Procurement Platform;
II) If you register in the eB2B Procurement Platform available in the eB2B Customer’s subdomain, eB2B Group and the eB2B Client as eB2B Procurement Platform service user are your personal data controllers. Upon registration, you obtain the status of a private vendor who has a relationship with the eB2B Client(s), who becomes Your personal data joint controller. Public vendor status does not exclude private vendor status at the same time. At any time, upon logging into the system, you can check which eB2B Client is your personal data joint controller and you can mark your vendor status as a public vendor to be available to all eB2B Clients using eB2B Procurement Platform.

2) The eB2B Group has appointed a data protection officer, who can be contacted via e-mail: rodo@eb2b.com.pl in any matter regarding your personal data processing.

3) Your personal data provided by You will be processed:
I) in order to prepare and conduct awarding procedures, place an order and sign an agreement using the eB2B Procurement Platform service - the legal basis for data processing is the necessity of data to perform the agreement or take action prior to entering into an agreement, in accordance with art. 6 par. 1 let. b of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679;
II) in case of your participation in an awarding procedure organized by eB2B or eB2B Client using the eB2B Procurement Platform service - for compliance with legal obligations of the awarding procedures sponsor, based on generally applicable law, including in particular the provisions of Public Procurement Law and accounting regulations - the legal basis for processing is art. 6 (1) letter c of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679;
III) for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims - the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the awarding procedures sponsor (Article 6 (1) letter f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. A legitimate interest enables an awarding procedures sponsor, a party placing an order or entering into an agreement using the service in the eB2B Procurement Platform to exercise or defend against claims related to the conducted awarding procedures;
IV) in order to notify about open, publicly available awarding procedures organized by eB2B Group Clients, the eB2B Procurement Platform service users, in these industries, which you indicate in the registration process or specify after registering or product groups defined by the eB2B Client, eB2B Procurement Platform service user. This purpose of processing requires separate consent of your data profiling - the legal basis for processing is the consent of the eB2B Procurement Platform user to process Your personal data in one or more of the purposes in accordance with art. 6 (1) letter a Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Consent to receive a newsletter is declared at the time of registration and can be revoked at any time by You on Your profile.
V) to verify the users' activity, examine protests in e-tender processes, diagnose problems related to server operations and analyze safety violations.

4) Your personal data is provided to entities providing services to the eB2B Group and to eB2B Clients fulfilling their contractual obligations, such as IT and IT service providers, accounting and legal services. Where applicable, personal data will also be transferred to entities that gain access to data based on public disclosure provisions and awarding procedures conducted on the basis of public procurement law, to the extent provided by these provisions.

5) Your personal data will be processed during the period of using the eB2B platform and participation in the awarding procedure. The processing period may be extended each time for the period necessary to perform the concluded agreement (if the offer is selected), and for the period of limitation of claims, if the processing of Your personal data will be necessary to establish or exercise any claims or defend against such claims by eB2B or eB2B Client, eB2B Procurement Platform service user. After this period, the data will be processed only to the extent and for the time required by law.

6) You have the right to access the data contents and demand their rectification, erasure, to restrict of processing, data portability and to object to the processing of data. The exercise of the right to withdraw consent does not affect the processing that took place until the consent was withdrawn.

7) You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority involved in the protection of personal data, if You decide that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. 7) Providing personal data is required to enable the use of eB2B platform functionality. The consequence of failure to provide personal data is, in particular, the inability to participate in awarding procedures, submit an offer, evaluate it, receive an order or conclude an agreement.

8) Joint controlling of data – split of responsibilities and tasks:

A) eB2B Client, eB2B Procurement Platform service user:
I) prepares and conducts awarding procedures using the eB2B Procurement Platform service, leading to submission of an offer, its evaluation, receipt of an order or conclusion of an agreement;
II) fulfils legal obligations that are imposed on the sponsor of the awarding procedures on the basis of generally applicable legal provisions;
III) secures the possibility of establish, exercise, or defend against legal claims; IV) having received your request for rectification, erasure, restricting of processing, portability and object to the processing of data, instructs eB2B to modify Your account data.

B) eB2B Group:
I) After receiving your consent in the registration process, eB2B adds you to the list of public vendors available to all eB2B Customers using eB2BPurchase Platform. eB2B is the sole controller of your personal data when you act as a public vendor in the eB2B Procurement Platform;
II) prepares and conducts awarding procedures using the eB2B Procurement Platform service on hers own behalf, leading to submitting an offer, its evaluation, receipt of purchase order or conclusion of an agreement;.
III) after receiving your consent in the registration process, eB2B adds you to the list of public vendors available to all eB2B Customers, eB2B Purchase Platform service users;
IV) enables the sponsors of the awarding procedures to send an electronic newsletter informing about open awarding procedures in a given industry or assortment group managed by the sponsors of awarding procedures; V) in case of receiving your request for rectification, erasure, restricting of processing, data portability and objection to data processing in consultation with other eB2B Clients, eB2B Purchase Platform service users, joint controllers of your personal data, modifies your account following your request.

​9) eB2B has no intention of transferring personal data to a third country or an international organization.